Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Slow 2 balance introduction

This is a slow blog about balancing our lives. Exploring how to enjoy a slower pacedeveloping  through  sharing experience, thoughts, services, products  with one another to  live a more meaningful life connected to  ourselves, people around us and the place we live in.
Slow because I am experimenting this topic, there is no pressure to  always have something meaningful to  say on a blog and  I am  not a writer.  Most of all  I am happy to connect with  people who would like to share their views on this topic. I am Hungarian, living  in Basel with my family. 

Are you also trying to balance your life among family, work, parenting, friends, sports, being yourself, self development, getting a sense of achievement and all other loads of things?
A continuous balance probably does not exist, but if we slow down, think, change sometimes,  reflect on ourselves, from time to time a sense of satisfaction and balance will come.

My solution was  before,  to put absolutely everything on schedule, sleep less, do more....  until my health condition started giving up.

We then moved to  Switzerland from Budapest, a "metropol of  happening and pressure".  I guess those who have relocated to Switzerland from a fast world,  know all what I could be saying here :).

Nevertheless, being surrounded by a slow environment,  observing different ways of  living, what I call now slow living,  I had to acknowledge, that by slowing down I have probably won five  - ten additional years to my life expectancy,  I slowly became healthier  and that the biggest advantage  is an obvious and huge change in the  quality of our lives, regardless of  any quantitative change. Just  a slower lifestyle.  Of course specifics of  Switzerland as well like the  amazing clean air, good geographical location to travel, advantages of small scale towns, perfect public transportation, good schooling, healthy local food supply, more time for building personal relationships and so on.

If slowing down has advantages, why not elaborate the details? I started redefining how I would like to live my life from then on, which still included family, home, friends,  work and so on, but none of these with the same routine, but with a  more appreciating, more satisfied, more open, simply a more balanced life.
Sometimes slow, sometimes fast and sometimes allowing myself not to do specific things at all.

Does this sound easy?  Yes, it sounds easy, but it is much more difficult to do!  I believe many of us after relocation, in a transition period or in a period of  any kind of change wish  we could know the way. There is no fast answer! 

I got a final inspiration to start this  blog while visiting Isola di Garda and the Villa Borghese at the Lake Garda in Italy this spring, where I found a very inspiring example of  living a "slow" and balanced life. We are surrounded by "slow" lives, but do we notice the advantage?

Why the title  “slow 2 balance” ? 

We  tend to think, by doing everything fast we will get where we want quicker. But do we get there quicker? Or do we get there at all?
By slowing down occasionally and connecting to ourselves and things that are really important to us we might be able to make better decisions about our lives. A slow life
is not necessarily being slow all the time, it is about deepening experience with everything around us, which occasionally means we need to slow down to think whether we are doing the right things at the right speed.

Do you have slow experience occasionally?
I would love to hear your opinion.    


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in this blog. I would like to add couple of things.

    1. A read a quote once: "You cannot kill chaos inside you by creating chaos around you." It is only by slowing down that we find that the chaos inside us can only be taken care of and not by doing million things in fastest way possible.

    2. Disadvantage of slowing down, what I have experienced since I moved here in Switzerland, is the lack of "conscious awareness" that can slowly creep in if you donot push yourself consciously from inside. If you have millions troubles around you, you would always be very alert and make correct/sensible decisions.

    1. Thank you very much for the comment. Yes I agree (2.), if you have many problems, it is "easy" to concentrate on solving those, you might not have another choice, but when you have less trouble, you need to find a new meaning. All in all, we are heading towards some kind of balance.
