Our Identity is the puzzle of our whole life.
How and where we socialised, who and what meant something to us, our values, what we instinctively and rationally choose, how we make decisions, how we shape our day to day life.
"To make a living is what we get,
But to make a life is what we give."
Winston Churchill
Someone said once...and it was thought provoking.
Is it a "déjá vu" to you as well?
Making a living is what we learn to take out and away from the economy, what we get from the work we do.
I don't know, but I think making a life means a deeper level of understanding of ourselves, the world, to be a human being and our relation to another human being and society.
The next meet up program is a painting course for anyone who wants to explore their creativity.
I am working on exploring with others how it is possible to let everyday pressure and the pragmatic "to do list" go for a few hours and let myself just be and for example paint.
Imagine and proceed without a serious expectation of one specific outcome.
I do not know how the painting will look in the end. It is just about the process and exploration how I can express myself in a new way.
Being creative, doing something of which we don't know the exact outcome feeds our soul and means that we give a part of ourselves out, we develop enjoying the procedure of creating.
Making a living and making a life is not the same.
Making a good life is art.
In the Hungarian language, we have the saying "életmüvész", a life artist. Someone who makes a living by what she loves doing what makes her happy and satisfied plus maybe, only maybe earns a lot of money.
Being creative, doing something that expresses ourselves in old or new ways opens up deeper dimensions of our identity. Even if we do it in 1-10 % of our daily life. It needs to be a process.
We might create a new dot that will connect us to previous dots of our life and a new path, a better path.
It is some form of bravery. Isn't it?
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