Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Coffee to slow!


I clearly had my slow experience  the other day tasting, smelling, feeling a cold slow coffee brewed in 6 hours at Café Frühling, the first  "slow Café" in Basel opened just 2 weeks ago in a central location of town.

I sat with Benjamin Hohlmann, the manager and "slow coffee" specialist talking about the slow coffee concept and what it means for him to be slow. It was  a similar experience to a wine tasting event trying to feel the different tastes and smell of fruit, but this time coming from coffee beans!
Slow coffee is a notion that is gaining awareness all over the world, cultivating the high quality
and  lifestyle experience that high end coffee drinking can provide. In Northern Europe many slow coffee shops have opened in the last 5-6 years, while in Germany since 2 years and now Switzerland. 

What makes a coffee SLOW?
The approach of  connection and special  care of the whole process of producing, picking the coffee beans, direct delivery, high quality roasting,  connecting emloyees to the process by continuos training, brewing, paying attention to the ingrediants of  water, considering the time as an important element of production and service.

Benjamin Hohlmann found his coffee  producers himself during his several months long  stay in South America and by visiting other production regions, so he himself controls the quality, and specialness of the beans. He pays attention to  working with the best Baristas for best roasting quality and by training the employees, by being a member of the service team and among the customers this  Café brings a quality that  makes a distinguished taste and a difference to coffee drinking.

Slow coffee making methodology at the Café Frühling is  a key feature. Brewing is done with special equipment.
The "über boiler" regulates the ratio between water, coffee and contact
time. Another dripping equipment makes the slowest existing coffee that takes 6 hours dripping time until it is consumable.

The philosophy and  lifestyle experience of drinking the  high quality slow coffee just depends on our mind set now.


Are you ready to deepen and enlarge the database of smell, taste and feeling in your brain of a "slow coffee experience"? 

Good luck and enjoy!

Let me know your experience if you go and try it out !

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